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1.Adelson,S.J.,Allen,J.,Badre,A.N.,Hodges,L.F. & Lawrence,A. 1993 Performance comparison of multiple image depth and shape cues. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 5,347-360.

2.Bingham,G.P.1993 Optical flow from eye movement with head immobilized:Ocular occlision beyond the nose.Vision Research ,33,777-789.

3.Cagnello,R. & Rogers,B.J.1993 Anisotropies in the perception of stereoscopic surfaces:the role of orientation disparity. Vision Researh,33,2189-2202.

4.Cogan,A.I. ,Lomakin,A.J. & Rossi,A.F. 1993 Depth in anti- correlated stereograms:Effects of spatial density and interocular delay. Vision Resreach,33,1959-1975.

5.Cormack,L.E.,Stevenson,S.B. & Schor,C.M. 1993 Disparity-tuned channels of the human visual system.Visual Neuroscience ,10, 585-596.

6.Cornilleau-Peres,V. & Droulez,J. 1993 Stereo-motion coopereation and the use of motion disparity in the visual perception of 3-D structure. Perception & Psychophysics , 54,223-239.

7.Coutant,B.E. & Westheimer,G. 1993 Population distribution of stereoscopic ability. Ophthal.Physiol.Opt13,3-7.

8.Cumming,B.G.,Johnston,E.B. & Parker,A.J.1993 Effects of different texture cues on curved of surfaces viewed stereoscopically .Vision Research,33,827-838.

9.Cumming,B.G. & Parker,A.J. 1994 Binocular mechanisms for detecting motion-in-depth. Vision Research,34,483-495.

10.Fahle,M. & De Luca,E.1994 Spatio-temporal interpolation in depth. Vision Research,34,343-348.

11.Ganis,G.,Casco,C. & Roncato,S. 1993 Perceived rigidity and nonrigidity in the kinetic depth effect.Perception, 22, 23-34.

12.Glennerster,A. & Rogers,B.J. 1993 New depth to the Muller-Lyerillusion.Perception ,22,691-704.

13.Harrad,R.A., McKee,S.P.,Blake,R. & Yang,Y. 1994 Binocular rivalry disrupts stereopsis. Perception, 23,15-28.

14.Herbomel,P. & Ninio,J.1993 Processing of linear elements in stereopsis:Effects of positional and orientational distinctiveness. Vision Research, 33,1813-1825.

15.Hill,H. & Bruce,V. 1993 independent effects of lighting, orientation, and stereopsis on the hollow-face illusion. Perception,22,887-897.

16.Ichikawa,M. & Egusa,H. 1993 How is depth perception affected by long-term wearing of left-right reversing spectacles. Perception, 22,971-984.

17.Ishigushi,A. & Wolfe,J.M. 1993 Asymmetrical effect of crossed and uncro-ssed disparity on stereoscopic capture. Perception,22,1403-1413.

18.Johnston,E.B.,Cumming,B.G. & Parker,A.J. 1993 Integration of depth modu-les:Stereopsis and texture. Vision Research,33,813-826.

19.Kruger,K.,Kiefer,W. & Groh,A.1993 Lesion of the suprasylvian cortex impairs depth perception of cats. NeuroReport4,883-886.

20.Mansfield,J.S. & Parker,A.J.1993 An orientation-tuned component in the contrast masking of stereoopsis. Vision Research,331535-1544.

21.McKee,S.P.,Bravo,M.J.,Taylor,D.G. & Legge,G.E. 1994 Stereo matching precedes dichoptic masking.Vision Research,34, 1047-1060.

22.McKee,S.P.&Harrad,R.A. 1993 Fusional supression in normal and stereoanomalous observers. Vision Research,33,1645-1658.

23.Nawrot M. & Blake,R. 1993 On the perceptual identity of dynamic stereopsis and kinetic depth.Vision Research,33, 1561-1571.

24.Nawrot,M. & Blake,R.1993 Visual alchemy:stereopsis adaptation produces kinetic depth from random noise.Perception,22, 635-642.

25.Patterson,R.,Bowd.C.,Phinney,R.,Pohndorf,R.,Barton-Howard. w.J. & Angilletta,M. 1994 Properties of the stereoscopic(Cyclopean) motion aftereffects. Vision Research,34,1139-1147.

26.Ptito,A.,Zatorre,R.J.,Petrides,M.,Frey,S.,Alivisatos,B. & Evans,A.C. 1993 Localization and lateralization of stereoscopic processing in the human.NeuroReport 4,1155-1158.

27.Prebic,F.H. & Donnelly,M. 1993 The effects of visual depth and eccentricity on manual bias, induced motion, and vection. Perception,22,929-945.

28.Ryan,C. & Gillam,B.1993 A proximity-contingent stereoscopic depth aftereffect:evidence for adaptation to disparity gradients. Perception,22,403-418.

29.Siderov,J. & Harwerth,R.S. 1993 Precision of stereoscopic depth perception from double images. Vision Research,33,1553-1560.

30.Thompson,P. & Wood,V. 1993 The Pulfrich pendulum phenomenon in ster-eoblind subjects. Perception, 22, 7-14.

31.Tittle,J.S. & Braunstein,M.L. 1993 Recovery of 3-D shape from binocular disparity and structure from motion. Perception & Psychophysics, 54, 157-169.

32.Uomori,K. & Nishida,S. 1994 The dynamics of the visual system in combining conflicting KDE and binocular stereopsis cues. Perception & Psychophysics,55,526-536.

33.Van Damme,W.J.M. & Van De Grind,W.A.1993 Active vision and the identification of three-dimensional shape. Vision Research ,33,1581-1587.

34.Van Den Berg,A.V. & Brenner,E. 1994 Human combine the optic flow with static depth cues for robust perception of heading. Vision Research,34,2153-2167.

35.Wright,R.D. & Day,R.W. 1993 Effect of depth information on a bistable spiral-motion aftereffect. Perception,22,767-769.

36.Young,M.J.,Landy,M.S. & Maloney,L.T.1993 A perturbation analysis of depth perception from combinations of texture and motion cues.Vision Research, 33,2685-2696.


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